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Many individuals find themselves constrained and unable to progress in their lives due to past mistakes. Waive & PardonMe Services is committed to aiding you in overcoming these obstacles by helping seal your criminal record.


This process empowers you to break free from and eliminate barriers that have been holding you back, enabling you to embrace the life you are meant to have without any restrictions.


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Record Suspension

A record Suspension/Pardon allows anyone with a Canadian criminal record to apply and have their record sealed as long as they demonstrate they have lead a lifestyle of a law-abiding citizen. The Parole Board of Canada is an independent administrative tribunal body. In regard to the Record Suspension, the Parole Board of Canada has the discretionary power to grant, deny or revoke a Record Suspension/Pardon.

3 Types of Offences

Judge Gavel

Summary Offences

  • Summary offences are less serious offences that have a maximum potential sentence of a $5,000 fine or 6 months in jail.


Indictable Offences

  • Indictable offences are more serious offences that carries a heavier sentence than a summary offence. Sentence varies depending on the nature of the offence. the maximum sentence is life,25 years without parole


Hybrid Offences​

  • Hybrid offences means it can go either by summary or indictable. 

Eligibility Period​


If your first offence was committed before June 29, 2010:


You will have to wait 3 years on summary offences and 5 years on an indictable offence after you have served your sentence, finished your probation or paid your fines/restitutions, before you can apply for a Record Suspension. 


If your first offence was committed between June 29, 2010 and March 12, 2012


  • Personal injury offences within the means of s. 752 CRA must wait period is 10 years after serving your sentence, finishing your probation or paying you fines/restitutions, and living the life of a law-abiding citizen.

  • other indictable offence, along with schedule I offence, tried summarily, the wait time is 5 years.

  •  All other summary offences have a wait time of 3 years.

If your first offence was committed after March 13, 2012:


  • Indictable offences eligibility date is 5 years after serving a sentence, completing probation, or paying fines and restitution and demonstrating you're a law-abiding citizen;


  • All summary offences eligibility time is 3 years after serving a sentence, completing probation, or paying all fines and restitutions;


  • Schedule I offences are not eligible for a Record Suspension.


  • More than three offences with jail time of 2 years or more are not eligible for a Record Suspension.



All youth offences are sealed from the eyes of the public, but if you receive a conviction after your 18th birthday that conviction and your youth conviction are visible on your RCMP Record.

Judges Examining Document

Offences that are ineligible for a Record Suspension and Pardon


  • Schedule I offences are not eligible for a Record Suspension.

  • More than three offences with jail time of 2 years or more are not eligible for a Record Suspension.

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Eligibility Period



  • 3 years for Summary Offences

  • 5 years for Indictable Offences​


Record Suspension:​

  • 5 years for Summary Offences

  • 10 years for Indictable Offences

Types of Sentencing

Judge Gavel

Suspended Sentence

  • There is a finding of guilt, but the judge suspends your sentence, instead, he puts you on probation, usually between 1 to 3 years. End result is a conviction and a criminal record.


Conditional Sentence

  • You have been found guilty, and rather than doing jail time, you will serve your sentence within the community, under house arrest with conditions attached,


Absolute Discharge

  • Is the lower form of punishment for a petty crime. There is a finding of guilt, but the convictions in not recorded, nevertheless, the offence stays on your record for one year before it can be purged from CPIC.


Conditional Discharge

  • A finding of guilt is determined on a summary offence. Offender is put on Probation usually between 6 to 18 months. If offender and conditions are imposed given for a duration of time. 


  • If you received an Absolute or Conditional Discharge on or after July 24, 1992, the RCMP will automatically remove an Absolute discharge after one year and conditional discharge after 3 years from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) as long you have conducted yourself in a proper manner. 


  • If you received an Absolute or Conditional Discharge before July 24, 1992, contact the arresting police force (in the city or town where you were arrested) and ask them about their procedure concerning file destruction.



Alternative Measures

  • is usually an option for first-time offenders of minor offences. The offender accepts responsibility and admits their mistake, in return, they make a donation, participate in a program, or serve the community in some form. End result is no criminal record.

If you received an Absolute or Conditional Discharge on or after July 24, 1992, the RCMP should automatically remove an Absolute discharge after one year and conditional discharge after 3 years from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) as long you have conducted yourself in a proper manner.


If you received an Absolute or Conditional Discharge prior to July 24, 1992, contact the arresting police force (in the city or town where you were arrested) and ask them about their procedure concerning file destruction.

How Waive & PardonMe  Services Can Help


Navigating the path to obtaining a Record Suspension can be challenging, but it’s a crucial step toward reclaiming your life and opportunities. At Waive & PardonMe Legal Services, we specialize in guiding our clients through this complex process, ensuring a successful outcome. Here's how we can assist you:

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Expert Guidance: Our team has extensive experience with the Record Suspension process. From the moment you reach out to us, we provide expert advice and step-by-step instructions tailored to your specific situation. Our deep understanding of legal requirements and procedures ensures your application is accurate and complete, significantly increasing your chances of approval.


Personalized Support: Every case is unique, and we treat it as such. We take the time to understand your personal history, the nature of your convictions, and your rehabilitation efforts. This allows us to craft a customized approach that best represents your journey towards positive change. We are committed to highlighting your specific circumstances in a compelling manner.


Proactive Problem Solving: Anticipating and addressing potential issues before they arise is a key part of our service. Whether it’s ensuring all documentation is correctly gathered or preemptively tackling any legal hurdles, our proactive approach minimizes delays and complications, making the process smoother for you.


Thorough Documentation: The success of a Record Suspension application heavily relies on comprehensive and accurate documentation. We assist you in collecting all necessary records, including court documents, police reports, and proof of sentence completion. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that your application package is robust and well-organized.

Application Preparation and Submission: Preparing a Record Suspension application requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of what the Parole Board of Canada looks for. We help you articulate your rehabilitation, positive behavior since the conviction, and the personal and professional reasons for seeking a suspension. Once your application is ready, we handle the submission, ensuring it is delivered promptly and to the correct authorities.


Follow-Up and Communication: We believe in keeping our clients informed every step of the way. From initial consultation to the final decision, we maintain open lines of communication, providing updates and answering any questions you may have. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you feel supported and informed throughout the process.


Commitment to Results: Our dedication to achieving successful outcomes is unwavering. We do not consider our work complete until you have your Record Suspension and can move forward without the burden of a criminal record. Our commitment to follow-up and resolving any post-application issues ensures that you receive the full benefit of our services.

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt​​

Let's Connect

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Tel: 403-917-1110



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